Foundation CEO appointed to NY Federal Reserve Bank Community Advisory Group

Thursday, May 4, 2023


LAKE PLACID — Adirondack Foundation President & CEO Cali Brooks has been appointed to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Community Advisory Group.

The New York Fed oversees the Second Federal Reserve District, which includes New York State, the 12 northern counties of New Jersey, Fairfield County in Connecticut, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and works with other public and private institutions to foster the safety, soundness and vitality of economic and financial systems.

The Community Advisory Group is composed of leaders of nonprofits, community organizations, foundations and anchor institutions; its primary goal is to provide the New York Fed, including President John C. Williams, with a real-time view of the economic issues faced by a diverse set of communities and individuals.

“I am honored to bring to the New York Fed the views and perspectives of the economy and monetary policy held by people and institutions in the Adirondack region,” Brooks said.  “As the community foundation serving the region, we play a key role in identifying and addressing  challenges, such as food insecurity, lack of child care, housing shortages, barriers to college and limited access to vocational training and workforce development. These are just some examples of what will be shared.” 

Before joining the Foundation, Brooks served in the public affairs offices of both the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. She has served on the Membership Committee for the Council on Foundations, the New York State Attorney General’s Leadership Committee on Nonprofit Revitalization, New York Funders Alliance Board of Directors, the North Country Regional Economic Development Council, Common Ground Alliance Core Team and the North Country Health Systems Redesign Commission. She is a 2014 recipient of the Hudson Headwaters Health Foundation Community Champions Award.

For more information on the Community Advisory Group, including a list of the full membership, visit To learn more about Adirondack Foundation, visit